Sunday 13 March 2016

Sunday night

It seems to me that many great ideas are formulated on a Sunday night, and fizzle fantastically on Monday morning.  Perhaps they're just my great ideas that occur this way. 

Currently, there are a few great ideas on the launch pad, ready for explosion in the lower atmosphere.  For starters, this blog.  It has been many years since I've regularly blogged about anything; my time, energy and interests caught up elsewhere.  Blogs tend to last one or two posts, then sit gathering Ethernet dust in the corner, before being discarded.

The next thing on the cards is a health and fitness kick.  After a week written off with a family virus and additional matters, the discussion is back up and running between the Tall One and myself.  A new diet starts this week, along with the grand plan of walking in the morning before work.  The long term goal that's back on deck is the idea of riding to work. 

Sunday night launch.... waiting for the Monday morning fizzle.....